藤井先生の論文がExperimental Physiologyに掲載されました!


藤井先生が執筆した”Does hydration status affect ventilation during prolonged exercise?”が、Experimental Physiology に掲載されました。


・Baker MA & Nijland MJ (1993). Selective brain cooling in goats: effects of exercise and dehydration. J Physiol 471, 679-692.

・Fujii N, Honda Y, Hayashi K, Kondo N & Nishiyasu T (2008). Effect of hypohydration on hyperthermic hyperpnea and cutaneous vasodilation during exercise in men. J Appl Physiol 105, 1509-1518.

・Gonzalez-Alonso J, Calbet JAL, Mora-Rodriguez R & Kippelen P (2023). Pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange during prolonged exercise in humans: Influence of dehydration, hyperthermia and sympathoadrenal activity. Exp Physiol 108, 188-206.


