We participated in 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics



The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics (ICEE2024) was held the 3rd to the 7th of June, 2024 in Jeju, Korea.

In this conference, our laboratory pos-doc researcher, Dr. Katagiri, second year of graduate school student, Ms. Sagawa, first year of graduate school student, Ms. Takahagi, Mr. Tomita, and Mr. Hattori presented recent data.

Dr. Katagiri gave an oral presentation, and Ms. Sagawa, Ms. Takahagi, Mr. Tomita, and Mr. Hattori gave poster presentations.

Mr. Hattori received the 2nd prize in the poster category!


The titles of the presentations are as follows:

Dr. Katagiri:Pre-exercise ice slurry ingestion reduces exercise ventilation without affecting sensitivity of hyperthermia- induced hyperventilation during prolonged exercise in the heat

Ms. Sagawa:Impact of beetroot juice ingestion on cardiorespiratory responses and visual function before and after high-intensity intermittent exercise in competitive badminton players.

Ms. Takahagi:Drinking carbonated water alleviates fatigue sensation and orthostatic-induced reductions in cerebral blood flow index during post-exercise periods in the heat

Mr. Tomita:Effect of Alternate Local Skin Heating and Cooling on Skin Vascular Function Following Prolonged Sitting

Mr. Hattori:TRPA1 Channels Modulate Cutaneous Vasodilation during Exercise in the Heat in Young Adults When NOS is Inhibited

Ms. Sakamoto, a former member of this laboratory, also gave a presentation.


Dr. Katagiri


Ms. Sagawa


Ms. Takahagi


Mr. Tomita


Mr. Hattori

It was the first international conference for all of us, and we were very stimulated by the presentations by researchers from various countries and had an enjoyable five days.

I would like to do more research from now on.