「低圧低酸素環境下における高二酸化炭素吸入による持久走の換気・代謝応答の変化」に関する論文がHigh Alt Med Biol. に掲載されました


当研究室OBの漕 銀行さんがFirst Authorとして執筆された論文”CO 2-Enriched Air Inhalation Modulates the Ventilatory and Metabolic Responses of Endurance Runners During Incremental Running Under Hypobaric Hypoxia”がHigh Alt Med Biol. (High Altititude Medicine & Biology) に掲載されました。





High Alt Med Biol. : High Alt Med Biol; CO2-Enriched Air Inhalation Modulates the Ventilatory and Metabolic Responses of Endurance Runners During Incremental Running Under Hypobaric Hypoxia

Pub Med :  Pub Med; CO 2-Enriched Air Inhalation Modulates the Ventilatory and Metabolic Responses of Endurance Runners During Incremental Running Under Hypobaric Hypoxia