Our paper titled “Thermal stress, hydration, and salivary and respiratory stress markers in curling players performing a match in the cold. ” has been accepted by Scand J Med Sci Sports.



Our paper titled “Thermal stress, hydration, and salivary and respiratory stress markers in curling players performing a match in the cold. ” has been accepted by Scand J Med Sci Sports. (Scandination Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports).

This study was conducted in our laboratory as undergraduate thesis, and reports that during a curling match, the core temperature and thermal discomfort increase, whereas the face skin temperature decreases. Additionally, players may undergo dehydration before the match, which could be exacerbated after the match


About this study↓

Pub Med: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36951615/

Scand J Med Sci Sports.: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sms.14356