Annual meeting for the presentation of graduation and master theses was held


On February 4, 2022, we held the annual meeting of the Exercise Physiology Laboratory for the presentation of graduation and master theses.

Three of our graduate students presented their theses at the referenced meeting.

The presentations are summarized as it follows.

Mr. Igarashi


Ms. Sagawa


Mr. Nagayama


We also had a visit from alumni professors in this year.

During the break time, it was possible to have a conversation with the alumni professors.

Mr. Igarashi and Ms. Sagawa having a discussion with an alumni professor.


Until now, I believe that the thesis students have prepared a lot for their presentation. The time and effort invested was not in vain, and I am sure that there will be occasions in your future when you are able to make use of them.

I hope you will make the most of this experience in future.

About 50 people participated in this presentation, and the rich exchange of questions made it a very lively event.

We appreciate everyone who attended!

We will continue to hold this annual meeting in the future, so please come and join us whenever is possible.

University of Tsukuba’s Exercise Physiology Laboratory looks forward to your continued support!